Nepal Trade Solutions

Best Quality Inspection Service in Nepal

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What is Quality Control?

It is necessary to determine the quality of the products when getting products from the Manufacturers. Quality control is also responsible for branding. It also helps in producing quality goods that can have a competitive edge in the domain.

For the customers, it is essential to pre-list the checklist for quality control. This will allow the manufacturer to produce the goods according to the set parameters initially. The production is required to meet and exceed these parameters listed by the customers.

Apart from that, these parameters can also be assessed based on internal and external requirements. For example, if the customer requests for food products, the products should be evaluated on their sustainability. They should stay edible in both internal and external factors.

Quality control means a standard for production. Quality assurance means that implementing methods that can ensure parameters for QC. Quality control focuses on the initial evaluation of the production processes.

This is done so that the production is streamlined according to the requirements of the customers. Quality assurance is related to the ending parts of production. It minimizes the risk of imperfect products reaching the market. This is done by ensuring standards that were defined in QC.

Additionally, QC defines parameters that guarantee reliable, satisfactory and economically sound production. Whereas QA ensures that the production company meets QC standards in every way.

QC is more product-oriented whereas QA is more process-oriented. QC ensures that the results of production meet the expectations set before production. QA ensures that all necessary steps were taken to guarantee QC parameters.

Benefits of Quality Control Service for your Business

There are several benefits that one can achieve with QC Service by Nepal Trade Solutions, including:

Quality Consciousness

Being quality conscious is very important, especially if you are the buyer. It means that you know what parameters are needed to ensure that the product will be successful in the market.

Moreover, if you’re quality conscious, you’ll be able to relay your requirements to the manufacturer seamlessly. .The manufacturer will also be abiding by the parameters defined and will provide you with quality products.

Customer Satisfaction

Satisfying the customer with your product is the primary concern for every seller. That is why ensuring quality is the primary goal for you.

When you are quality conscious, manufacturing is significantly improved. This will happen because you will provide the manufacturer with the parameters that will guarantee customer satisfaction.

Cost Reduction

Using quality control, you can minimize the need for additional resources and costs after your shipment is delivered to your godown. You will only be using resources in lower costs that have been pre-defined during quality control methods. 

Utilization of Resources

This will also safeguard your production from excessive or inefficient use of resources during manufacturing.

Quality Control Process In Nepal Trade Solutions:

The Quality Control process comprise the following steps.

Pre-Production Inspections

This is the step that has to be taken before the production takes place. If you’ve located a supplier that you think can fulfill your requirements, you must evaluate them deeply.

This is done to ensure that the company can meet your demands. Parameters such as:

  • Adequate equipment and machinery
  • In-house practices for quality control
  • Trained staff, etc.

 You can’t decide on hiring the supplier based on their website. The actual production scenario is quite different from the real-time production. That is why it is essential to make an initial visit to the company.

This inspection is also necessary so that you may get to know what raw materials the production firm will be using. Some suppliers cut corners in the production by using poor quality materials. They do this to save money on their end. That is why most of the raw materials are purchased during the pre-production inspections.

On-Line Inspections

The on-line inspections can also be called as during production inspections. These inspections are made during the production phases to ensure that the products manufactured are abiding by QC standards.

These inspections are usually made when the first batch of the products is manufactured. The first batch is evaluated for necessary changes. These changes are then implemented later in the production.

On-line inspections help to save time for corrections that are made later in the production. Using on-line inspections, you can save up critical time and additional resources that are needed for corrections.

Pre-Shipment Inspections

Another rule of buying is to never make the payments until you inspect the product before delivery. Most buyers tend to ignore on-line inspections. Order payments are processed when the order is delivered.

If pre-shipment inspections are not made, it can result in processing payments for faulty products. These inspections ensure that the supplier is delivering correct and faultless batches.

Moreover, it also helps in minimizing the mixture of faulty products.

Most suppliers tend to mix faulty products with good ones. This increases the risk of faulty products reaching the market. In addition, all corrections found after the shipment will be at your end.

The supplier will not be viable to make amends or return money that has been processed. This inspection also ensures that the total number of products are fulfilled. The time delay and costs will be much less if the inspection is carried out before shipping.

Pre-shipment inspections must be done without any hassle. Since these inspections will ensure that whether the batch is ok or needs amends. The inspection team can even recommend the re-manufacturing of the batch if it doesn’t meet the standards.

Loading Supervision

Although done commonly by the Supplier, it doesn’t mean that you should ignore it. The time and money that you’ve invested can go to waste if the containers aren’t loaded carefully.

You want to ensure that your containers are shipped to the right cargo hold with care.

That is why it is necessary to opt for loading supervision too. This will help minimize the risks during the loading phase as well as ensure that the containers are shipped to the right cargo.


Factory Audit

Does Factory meet QUALITY STANDARDS? We exclusively catch on during factory audits. You get SAFELY MANUFACTURED INVENTORY from top FACTORIES in NEPAL.

Supplier Background Check

Our experts explore the TOP PERFORMANCES of the supplier. It means you get only EXPERT-VETTED SUPPLIERS. Negotiations and profit margin processes become even EASIER.

Social Compliance Audit

We check the social and ethical performance standards of your suppliers. This approach gets you the BEST FIT and NEGOTIABLE suppliers. And QUALITY is what you get in the end. Obviously, more business opportunities ahead.

First Article Inspection

Our team looks into the INGREDIENTS and QUALITY of the first article. You get the highest INTEGRITY of products. The conversion increases with QUALITY. More revenues are expected.

In-Process (DUPRO) Inspection

Our experts perform an in-process inspection that puts forward the HIGH INTEGRITY and DESIRED characteristics of products. With this, you get SAFE PRODUCTS that impress your consumers.

One-to-one Service

You connect with us, and we specify a PROFESSIONAL AGENT as your dedicated project manager. One-to-one service resolves all your questions, helps you feel more CONTENT, and gets you BETTER QUALITY of COMMUNICATION.

Pre-Shipment Inspection

Before shipment, we check the product QUALITY AND QUANTITY to confirm whether we have received the EXACT ITEMS with EXACT NUMBERS. No errors in any aspect! You will receive STANDARDIZED pre-shipment analysis report and FLAWLESS items.

Pre-Production Inspection

Our top priority is a pre-production inspection. It SECURES the end-product QUALITY. You get QUALITY ITEMS. Skyrocket your business progress with it.

Final Check

Our final Inspection sheds light on the defective products and does everything that is BEST. Accurate shipments with ZERO PERCENT damaged inventory compel your customers to return to your business. MORE customers return, MORE SALES!

Free Warehouse

We have our warehouses to manage your inventory. You don’t have to pay a SINGLE PENNY. No extra expenses, budget saved; invest it in business and EXPAND it.

Container Loading Check

Before loading, we calculate the total number of packages and load the EXACT number of items. Exact items with exact numbers ELIMINATE the risks of DAMAGED inventory and MISPLACEMENT of inventory. You get 100% ACCURATE SHIPMENTS to your customers in time.

Full Inspection

Our inspection experts do A to Z inspections of your products. 100% INSPECTION confirms product QUALITY and INTEGRITY. You collect the DETAILED REPORTS with quite a comfort.

FAQs for Quality Control Process.

What Is The Standard Quality Inspection Price?

The standard quality inspection price is $100 to $300 per inspection. This includes transportation and the creation of a checklist.

How Can You Pay For Quality Control Services?

You can pay similar to Sourcing services. This can be done using PayPal, cheque, credit card or bank transfer.

If Factories Have Their Own Internal Quality Control Measures, Why Not Trust Them?

Most of the companies don’t work in your interest. That is why to ensure quality, you must hire your own inspection company for QC.

If I Am Importing Simple Products That My Supplier Has Worked On Before, Do I Still Need Third-Party QC Services?

Finding a reliable supplier in Nepal can be a hassle. It is better to get third party QC services even if you’re hiring a supplier that has worked in the domain.

How Will A Third Party QC Company Help Me Avoid Defective Goods And Delayed Deliveries?

Nepal Trade Solutions will keep an eye on the production. It will make sure that all the parameters are met. It will prevent you from working with an inefficient company.

What Is The Average Turnaround Time For Product Quality Testing As A Service?

It takes 48 hours to 2 weeks on average.

How Long Will It Take For Me To Get The Inspection Report?

The duration depends on the size of the shipment to conduct the inspections. It takes from a few hours to few days. An initial draft is made which is then reviewed and sent.


Quality control manufacturing is an important part of your production.

You need to keep all necessary parameters in mind to ensure quality production. Your checklist should be clearly communicated to ensure flawless manufacturing.